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relation in public law中文是什么意思

用"relation in public law"造句"relation in public law"怎么读"relation in public law" in a sentence


  • 公法关系


  • Concretely speaking , it refers to the public power of the nation , the public right of people and the obligation in the sense of public law , among which the public right of the administrative counterpart can be obtained by way of action in public law and the nature of the public power determines that the administrative legal relation has the specific property of the relation in public law
    行政法律关系的内容是指行政法律关系的主体双方享有的行政“公权力(利) ”和负担的“公义务” ,即国家之公权、人民之公权及公法上义务。其中,相对人之公权利是可以通过公法诉讼途径实现的权利。行政公权力的性质决定了行政法律关系具有“公法关系”的特性。
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